Results for 'Jean Yves Faberon'

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  1.  7
    Nouvelle-Calédonie : du gouvernement constitué à la représentation proportionnelle.Jean-Yves Faberon - 2002 - Hermes 32:529.
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    l'état pluriculturel et les droits aux différences: colloque organisé à Nouméa du 3 au 5 juillet 2002.Paul de Deckker & Jean Yves Faberon (eds.) - 2003 - Bruxelles: Bruylant.
    L'État pluriculturel est devenu un concept majeur du début du XXIe siècle, tant au Nord qu'au Sud de la planète. La plupart des États sont confrontés à l'éveil ou à l'affirmation des différentes cultures des différentes communautés en leur sein. Pour nos sociétés plurielles, voici venu le temps des droits aux différences. En réalité, devant ce phénomène universel, les positions de l'État varient : il aménage la coexistence des communautés culturelles ; ou il ne veut pas les connaître. Entre ces (...)
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    The Square of Opposition: A General Framework for Cognition.Jean-Yves Beziau & Gillman Payette (eds.) - 2011 - Peter Lang.
    Papers... "selected from a larger number of contributions most of them based on talks presented at the First World Congress on the Square of Opposition organized in Montreux in June 2007"--Preface, p. 12.
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    Mathématiques en perspective: Desargues, la Hire, le Poîvre.Jean-Yves Briend - 2021 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 75 (6):699-736.
    It is tempting to consider Girard Desagues’ mathematical work, more precisely his Brouillon project on conics, as a work of mathematics applied to perspective. We would like to show in this text that it is probably more pertinent to consider that Desargues does mathematics as a practitionner of the art of perspective. We shall analyse a few extracts of Desargues’ work with this point of view in mind so as to shed light on his innovative ideas that could be hard (...)
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  5. Liber amicorum Jean-Yves Cherot: Le droit entre théories et pratique.Jean-Yves Cherot & Valérie Michel (eds.) - 2023 - Bruxelles: Émile Bruylant.
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    1st World Logic Day: 14 January 2019.Jean-Yves Beziau - 2019 - Logica Universalis 13 (1):1-20.
    We assess the celebration of the 1st World Logic Day which recently took place all over the world. We then answer the question Why a World Logic Day? in two steps. First we explain why promoting logic, emphasizing its fundamental importance and its relations with many other fields. Secondly we examine the sense of a one-day celebration: how this can help reinforcing logic day-to-day and why logic deserves it. We make a comparison with other existing one-day celebrations. We end by (...)
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    Introduction to ?2 1 -logic.Jean-Yves Girard - 1985 - Synthese 62 (2):191-216.
  8.  34
    Jean-Jacques Rousseau ou l'anti-économique.Jean-Yves Naudet - 2012 - Journal des Economistes Et des Etudes Humaines 18 (1).
    Jean-Jacques Rousseau est l'auteur de l'entrée "économie politique" dans l'Encyclopédie en 1755. A ce titre, il aurait pu être l'un des fondateurs de cette discipline. Pourtant, la définition qu'il en donne est à l'encontre de la pensée libérale des physiocrates, puis des classiques, et constitue une véritable "anti-économique". En hypertrophiant le rôle de l'Etat et en niant l'intérêt personnel, Rousseau est au contraire l'un des pères du socialsme. En niant la liberté humaine, il nie aussi l'existence de choix éthiques.
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    Nombrils, bruslans, autrement foyerz: la géométrie projective en action dans le Brouillon Project de Girard Desargues.Jean-Yves Briend & Marie Anglade - 2021 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 76 (2):173-206.
    In the middle part of his Brouillon Project on conics, Girard Desargues develops the theory of the traversale, a notion that generalizes the Apollonian diameter and allows to give a unified treatment of the three kinds of conics. We showed elsewhere that it leads Desargues to a complete theory of projective polarity for conics. The present article, which shall close our study of the Brouillon Project, is devoted to the last part of the text, in which Desargues puts his theory (...)
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    Preface.Jean-Yves Beziau & Gillman Payette - 2008 - Logica Universalis 2 (1):1-1.
  11.  4
    The road to universal logic: festschrift for the 50th birthday of Jean-Yves Béziau.Jean-Yves Béziau, Arnold Koslow & Arthur Buchsbaum (eds.) - 2014 - New York: Birkhäuser.
    The first volume presents a collection of papers in honor of the fiftieth birthday of Jean-Yves Béziau. These 25 papers have been written by internationally distinguished logicians, mathematicians, computer scientists, linguists and philosophers, including Arnon Avron, John Corcoran, Wilfrid Hodges, Laurence Horn, Lloyd Humbertsone, Dale Jacquette, David Makinson, Stephen Read, and Jan Woleński. It is a state-of-the-art source of cutting-edge studies in the new interdisciplinary field of universal logic. The papers touch upon a wide range of topics including (...)
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    Possible Worlds: A Fashionable Nonsense?Jean-Yves Beziau - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 55:5-9.
    In this paper we discuss the notion of “possible worlds” contrasting a philosophical idea due to Malebranche with a mathematical concept of modern logic due to Kripke from which many pseudo-philosophical discussions have arisen.
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    The Mystery of the Fifth Logical Notion (Alice in the Wonderful Land of Logical Notions).Jean-Yves Beziau - 2020 - Studia Humana 9 (3-4):19-36.
    We discuss a theory presented in a posthumous paper by Alfred Tarski entitled “What are logical notions?”. Although the theory of these logical notions is something outside of the main stream of logic, not presented in logic textbooks, it is a very interesting theory and can easily be understood by anybody, especially studying the simplest case of the four basic logical notions. This is what we are doing here, as well as introducing a challenging fifth logical notion. We first recall (...)
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    From theology to theological thinking.Jean-Yves Lacoste - 2014 - Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press.
    "Christian philosophy" is commonly regarded as an oxymoron, philosophy being thought incompatible with the assumptions and conclusions required by religious faith. According to this way of thinking, philosophy and theology must forever remain distinct. In From Theology to Theological Thinking, Jean-Yves Lacoste takes a different approach. Stepping back from contemporary philosophical concerns, Lacoste--a leading figure in the philosophy of religion--looks at the relationship between philosophy and theology from the standpoint of the history of ideas. He notes in particular (...)
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    Saint Thomas D'Aquin aujourd'hui.Jean Yves Jolif - 1963 - Desclée de Brouwer.
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    Les Olympia d'Alexandrie et le pancratiaste M. Aur. Asklèpiadès.Jean-Yves Strasser - 2004 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 128 (1):421-468.
    Jean-Yves Strasser The Olympia of Alexandria and the Pancratiast M. Aur. Asklepiades p.421-468 The Alexandrian Olympia are known thanks to inscriptions and especially papyri. The latter mention the olympionikoi, who may have been victors not in the great competition at Pisa, but in the Olympia of the Egyptian city. These competitions, created under Marcus Aurelius, became eiselastikoi under Gallien; they were first celebrated in 268. Like the majority of the great competitions in Egypt, they took place in the (...)
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    Around and Beyond the Square of Opposition.Jean-Yves Béziau & Dale Jacquette (eds.) - 2012 - New York: Springer Verlag.
    Jean-Yves Béziau Abstract In this paper I relate the story about the new rising of the square of opposition: how I got in touch with it and started to develop new ideas and to organize world congresses on the topic with subsequent publications.
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  18. Notes on French and English demonstratives.Jean-Yves Pollock & Richard S. Kayne - unknown
    (4) Jean apprécie ce livre-là. (‘Jean appreciates ce book-there’) (5) Jean apprécie ce livre-ci. (‘Jean appreciates ce book-here’) in a way that recalls in part non-standard English: (6) John is reading that there book. (7) John is reading this here book. with (6) akin to (4) and with (7) akin to (5). The difference in word order, whereby English has there/here prenominal in (6)/(7) and French has - là/-ci postnominal in (4)/(5), was analyzed by Bernstein (1997) (...)
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    Advances in linear logic.Jean-Yves Girard, Yves Lafont & Laurent Regnier (eds.) - 1995 - New York, NY, USA: Cambridge University Press.
    Linear logic, introduced in 1986 by J.-Y. Girard, is based upon a fine grain analysis of the main proof-theoretical notions of logic. The subject develops along the lines of denotational semantics, proof nets and the geometry of interaction. Its basic dynamical nature has attracted computer scientists, and various promising connections have been made in the areas of optimal program execution, interaction nets and knowledge representation. This book is the refereed proceedings of the first international meeting on linear logic held at (...)
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    A new four-valued approach to modal logic.Jean-Yves Béziau - 2011 - Logique Et Analyse 54 (213):109.
  21.  11
    Do Sentences Have Identity?Jean-Yves Béziau - 1998 - The Paideia Archive: Twentieth World Congress of Philosophy 8:3-10.
    We study here equiformity, the standard identity criterion for sentences. This notion was put forward by Lesniewski, mentioned by Tarski and defined explicitly by Presburger. At the practical level this criterion seems workable but if the notion of sentence is taken as a fundamental basis for logic and mathematics, it seems that this principle cannot be maintained without vicious circle. It seems also that equiformity has some semantical features ; maybe this is not so clear for individual signs but sentences (...)
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  22. What is “Formal Logic”?Jean-Yves Béziau - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 13:9-22.
    “Formal logic”, an expression created by Kant to characterize Aristotelian logic, has also been used as a name for modern logic, originated by Boole and Frege, which in many aspects differs radically from traditional logic. We shed light on this paradox by distinguishing in this paper five different meanings of the expression “formal logic”: (1) Formal reasoning according to the Aristotelian dichotomy of form and content, (2) Formal logic as a formal science by opposition to an empirical science, (3) Formal (...)
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  23. Linear Logic.Jean-Yves Girard - 1987 - Theoretical Computer Science 50:1–102.
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    Proofs and types.Jean-Yves Girard - 1989 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This text is an outgrowth of notes prepared by J. Y. Girard for a course at the University of Paris VII. It deals with the mathematical background of the application to computer science of aspects of logic (namely the correspondence between proposition & types). Combined with the conceptual perspectives of Girard's ideas, this sheds light on both the traditional logic material & its prospective applications to computer science. The book covers a very active & exciting research area, & it will (...)
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  25.  41
    Logic Prizes et Cætera.Jean-Yves Beziau - 2018 - Logica Universalis 12 (3-4):271-296.
    I discuss the origin and development of logic prizes around the world. In a first section I describe how I started this project by creating the Newton da Costa Logic Prize in Brazil in 2014. In a second section I explain how this idea was extended into the world through the manifesto A Logic Prize in Every Country! and how was organized the Logic Prizes Contest at the 6th UNILOG in Vichy in June 2018 with the participation of 9 logic (...)
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  26. L’Imagination. Actes du 37e Congrès de l’ASPLF.Jean-Yves Beziau & Daniel Schulthess (eds.) - 2020
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    From Varanasi to Sinaia.Jean-Yves Beziau & Caroline Pires Ting - 2024 - Logica Universalis 18 (4):431-437.
    This paper discusses the development of the Logic and Religion project and the various events organized within this framework, particularly the 3rd and 4th editions, with this volume including papers presented at both.
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    From foundations to ludics.Jean-Yves Girard - 2003 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 9 (2):131-168.
    Ludics [1] is a novel approach to logic—especially proof-theory. The present introduction emphasises foundational issues.For ages, not a single disturbing idea in the area of “foundations”: the discussion is sort of ossified—as if everything had been said, as if all notions had taken their definite place, in a big cemetery of ideas. One can still refresh the flowers or regild the stone, e.g., prove technicalities, sometimes non-trivial; but the real debate is still: this paper begins with an autopsy, the autopsy (...)
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  29. (1 other version)Is there an axiom for everything?Jean-Yves Beziau - 2021 - In Oliver Passon & Christoph Benzmüller (eds.), Wider den Reduktionismus -- Ausgewählte Beiträge zum Kurt Gödel Preis 2019. Springer Nature Switzerland. pp. 103-117..
    We first start by clarifying what axiomatizing everything can mean. We then study a famous case of axiomatization, the axiomatization of natural numbers, where two different aspects of axiomatization show up, the model-theoretical one and the proof-theoretical one. After that we discuss a case of axiomatization in a sense opposed to the one of arithmetic, the axiomatization of the notion of order, where the idea is not to catch a specific structure, but a notion. A third mathematical case is then (...)
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    The French Catholic Contribution to Social and Political Thinking in the 1930s.Jean-Yves Calvez - 2000 - Ethical Perspectives 7 (4):312-315.
    My paper concerns a rather extraordinary generation which arose in France in the 1930s, reacting against Action française which had long infected French Catholic political and social thought. Action française was a line of thought — and a political movement — inspired by Charles Maurras, himself an agnostic, basing his political thinking on a form of naturalism and positivism which clearly divorced politics from religion and ethics. Pope Pius XI forbade the participation of Catholics in that movement in 1926, which (...)
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  31.  60
    Functors and ordinal notations. I: A functorial construction of the veblen hierarchy.Jean-Yves Girard & Jacqueline Vauzeilles - 1984 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 49 (3):713-729.
  32.  12
    Hadrien et le calendrier des concours (SEG, 56, 1359, II).Jean-Yves Strasser - 2016 - Hermes 144 (3):352-373.
    New commentary on Hadrian’s second letter to Dionysiac artists. A thorough study of the text structure and vocabulary reveals that the emperor has not always altered the schedule of Greek games. His main concern is to insert the competitions he himself has created and to avoid conflicts between the cities. He certainly didn’t offend the susceptibilities of the Greeks, but he probably also resisted numerous requests. He has favoured considerably Athens. The understanding of the end of the text can be (...)
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    La carrière du pancratiaste Markos Aurèlios Dèmostratos Damas.Jean-Yves Strasser - 2003 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 127 (1):251-299.
    Le pancratiaste périodonique Markos Aurèlios Dèmostratos Damas de Sardes est connu par de nombreux témoignages trouvés dans sa patrie, à Rome, à Éphèse, à Delphes et en Egypte. Leur réexamen permet de reconstruire avec précision la carrière du champion, comme d'éclairer certains points de l'histoire des concours qu'il a remportés. Deux inscriptions d'Éphèse qui lui ont été rapportées ne doivent sans doute pas l'être. On peut proposer de nouveaux suppléments aux palmarès de Sardes et de Delphes ; un autre texte (...)
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  34. Linear logic: its syntax and semantics.Jean-Yves Girard - 1995 - In Jean-Yves Girard, Yves Lafont & Laurent Regnier (eds.), Advances in linear logic. New York, NY, USA: Cambridge University Press. pp. 222--1.
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    How to deal with partially analyzable acts?Jean-Yves Jaffray & Meglena Jeleva - 2011 - Theory and Decision 71 (1):129-149.
    In some situations, a decision is best represented by an incompletely analyzed act: conditionally on a given event A, the consequences of the decision on sub-events are perfectly known and uncertainty becomes probabilizable, whereas the plausibility of this event itself remains vague and the decision outcome on the complementary event ${\bar{A}}$ is imprecisely known. In this framework, we study an axiomatic decision model and prove a representation theorem. Resulting decision criteria aggregate partial evaluations consisting of (i) the conditional expected utility (...)
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  36. The power of the hexagon.Jean-Yves Béziau - 2012 - Logica Universalis 6 (1-2):1-43.
    The hexagon of opposition is an improvement of the square of opposition due to Robert Blanché. After a short presentation of the square and its various interpretations, we discuss two important problems related with the square: the problem of the I-corner and the problem of the O-corner. The meaning of the notion described by the I-corner does not correspond to the name used for it. In the case of the O-corner, the problem is not a wrong-name problem but a no-name (...)
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  37.  63
    From consequence operator to universal logic: a survey of general abstract logic.Jean-Yves Beziau - 2005 - In Jean-Yves Béziau (ed.), Logica Universalis: Towards a General Theory of Logic. Boston: Birkhäuser Verlog. pp. 3--17.
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    Un informateur du landgrave de Hesse a la cour de Lorraine Nicolas mengin.Jean-Yves Mariotte - forthcoming - Bibliothèque d'Humanisme Et Renaissance.
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  39. Linguistic Politics During the French Revolution.Jean-Yves Lartichaux - 1977 - Diogenes 25 (97):65-84.
    Rarely is the problem of the diversity of languages taken into account whenever population groups are formed into States. When the problem does come up, it is later, in a primarily political context which tries to find political solutions, such as we may presently see them in Canada or in Belgium for instance. These solutions are few and they deal with situations that may contain a host of nuances.Certain countries have chosen a vehicular language while keeping their local languages: the (...)
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    “The role and responsibility of major corporations”.Jean-Yves Alquier - 1998 - World Futures 52 (2):137-142.
    Despite its wealth and economic performances, Western Europe is anxious about its future and unable to solve its main problem: unemployment. Its great project is the building or Europe. But many questions have no real answers: how can we avoid social fractures? is globalisation and internationalisation a risk or chance? how should we fight corruption? Europe should be the best answer to those questions. But it depends on the answers to new questions: what are the social values on which we (...)
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    CONCEPTUAL CLARIFICATIONS Tributes to Patrick Suppes (1922-2014).Jean-Yves Beziau (ed.) - 2015 - London, England: College Publication.
    This is a volume containing papers honoring Patrick Suppes (1922-2014). All contributors have worked directly with Suppes or/and with his ideas. The book also contains one of the last papers by Suppes (co-authored by two of his collaborators). -/- The work of Suppes touches many different areas, ranging from meteorology to physics, through logic, mathematics, psychology, neuroscience, education, painting, but he was first of all and above all a philosopher, always questioning, but not in vain. There are not many philosophers (...)
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    Trivial Dialetheism and the Logic of Paradox.Jean-Yves Beziau - 2016 - Logic and Logical Philosophy 25 (1):51-56.
    In this paper we explain that the paraconsistent logic LP promoted by Graham Priest can only be supported by trivial dialetheists, i.e., those who believe that all sentences are dialetheias.
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    Universal Logic: Evolution of a Project.Jean-Yves Beziau - 2018 - Logica Universalis 12 (1-2):1-8.
    We discuss the origin and development of the universal logic project. We describe in particular the structure of UNILOG, a series of events created for promoting the universal logic project, with a school, a congress, a secret speaker and a contest. We explain how the contest has evolved into a session of logic prizes.
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    Philosophical Concepts and Religious Metaphors: New Perspectives on Phenomenology and Theology.Jean-Yves Lacoste - 2009 - Romanian Society for Phenomenology.
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  45. Neue Forschung zur formalen Logik bei Kant.Jean-Yves Béziau, Srećko Kovač & Jens Lemanski - 2024 - In Michael Lewin (ed.), Klassische Deutsche Philosophie: Wege in die Zukunft. Brill | Mentis. pp. 19-44.
    Im Folgenden stellen wir drei aktuelle Forschungsbereiche zur formalen Logik bei Kant allgemeinverständlich dar und greifen dabei auf die trans zendentale Logik nur dann zurück, wenn sie ein besseres Verständnis der formalen Logik ermöglicht: Zunächst wird Kants Beitrag zur Rezeption und Weiterentwicklung von Euler-artigen Diagrammen dargestellt. Diese Diagramme wurden in den 1990er Jahren wiederentdeckt, als formales System interpretiert und werden heute insbes. in der Didaktik, in den Kognitionswissenschaften, in der Linguistik, in KI-Bereichen wie der (Logik-basierten) Wissensrepräsentation eingesetzt, und auch in (...)
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  46. A result on implications of Σ1-sentences and its application to normal form theorems.Jean-Yves Girard & Peter Päppinghaus - 1981 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 46 (3):634 - 642.
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  47. The oak and the woodpecker, observations on Singer's utilitarianism.Jean-Yves Goffi - 1998 - In Georges Chapouthier & Jean-Claude Nouët (eds.), The universal declaration of animal rights: comments and intentions. Paris: Ligue Française des Droits de l'Animal.
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  48. What animal rights? A critical reading of Thomas Regan.Jean-Yves Goffi - 1998 - In Georges Chapouthier & Jean-Claude Nouët (eds.), The universal declaration of animal rights: comments and intentions. Paris: Ligue Française des Droits de l'Animal.
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    Le diamètre et la traversale: dans l’atelier de Girard Desargues.Jean-Yves Briend & Marie Anglade - 2019 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 73 (4):385-426.
    In his Brouillon Project on conic sections, Girard Desargues studies the notion of traversale, which generalizes that of diameter introduced by Apollonius. One often reads that it is equivalent to the notion of polar, a concept that emerged in the beginning of 19th century. In this article we shall study in great detail the developments around that notion in the middle part of the Brouillon project. We shall in particular show, using the notes added by Desargues after the first draft (...)
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    Francione, critique de Singer.Jean-Yves Goffi - 2013 - Archai: Revista de Estudos Sobre as Origens Do Pensamento Ocidental 11:117-127.
    Contre une interprétation déconstructiviste de la question de l'animalité, on s'attache à montrer, par une présentation précise des objections adressées à P. Singer par G. Francione, que l'éthique animale « classique » comporte en elle-même les ressources d'une pensée critique extrêmement audacieuse.
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